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I offer

On this page you will find a brief description of the workshops that I can deliver at an event that you are hosting, for more information and to find out my availability please contact me

Introduction to energy work & living a high vibrational life

In the modern world, we tend to live very busy, sometimes stressful and unbalanced lives. This lack of balance can manifest as physical, emotional or spiritual problems within our lives. This workshop explains the 7 chakras we have within our energy body, what they are called, what they can look like when unbalanced, and how we can consciously take more action to bring the balance and harmony into our lives. This starts with being self aware, the workshop will teach basic grounding and protection techniques, how to protect your own energetic field (aura) and what sort of things can affect our energetic wellbeing. We then learn about the map of consciousness, the fact that every thought or feeling we have has a vibration attached to it, and how we creata our own reality with our own thoughts and feelings. By being aware of these facts, we will then learn how to change our thought patterns to consciously higher vibrational ones, and in turn change our entire reality to one that we desire.


Law of attraction

Did you know that you can have anything you want or desire in your life? If you can think it, you can have it! This workshop works through the difference between manifestation and the law of attraction. We will work through exactly how the law of attraction works, how you possibly may be accidentally attracting negative things into your life via negative thought patterns and self doubt, and how to truly use the law of attraction correctly to bring you the ife you desire. The workshop ends with a group meditation.


Identifying your shadow qualities & introduction to inner child healing

This workshop looks to go deep within those uncomfortable parts of ourselves and really figure out what 'shadow qualities' we actually possess. These are often perceived as 'negative' things about yourself, and can bring feelings of guilt and shame. Often it's difficult to admit something about yourself that you don't like, or perceive in a negative way, but by removing the element of shame and guilt, and seeing these elements of us for what they are, which is just another part of us... we can bring them to the surface and look back to where they originated from. Often this will be from childhood, and so this workshop includes a small element of inner child healing through meditation. Once we learn to work with our darkness, and bring it into the light, we can go onto the next stage of our journey which is looking how to heal these parts of ourselves, and what different methods may be available to you as an individual to take this journey further.

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